Wait a minute... INDOOR farming?

Yes! We are in indoor vertical farm, growing nutrient-dense fresh herbs and greens. We utilize Hydroponics to grow plants without soil in a continuous stream of nutrient-rich water, which is recycled for use.

Our happy plants grow quickly and cleanly, in an optimized year-round environment. We use certified food safe materials and deliver our produce to market hours after harvest. You can't get more local!

The best things come in small packages

Mighty Microgreens

These little plants pack a punch with nutrition that's off the charts, with familiar tastes of the vegetables you already love. Take a look at the stats and see how microgreens can up your health game.

Snap Pea Shoots

A marvel of fresh snap pea taste, these young shoots have potent nutrition and blood cleansing properties. Excellent source of fiber, vitamin C, fiber and folate. Packed with beta-carotene – which our bodies convert into vitamin A.

Broccoli Microgreens

Nutritional powerhouse compressed in tiny form with extra vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, copper, and zinc. Broccoli microgreens are also rich in cancer-fighting antioxidant sulforaphane.

Radish Microgreens

With more nutrients than a bottle of vitamins, Radish are some seriously powerful little greens! Not only do they contain vitamins A, B, C, E, and K, they also deliver calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc.

Mustard Microgreens

Mighty mustard, zesty superfood champion! Packed with flavor plus a few other things – fiber, vitamins A, C, K, E, B6; minerals folate, manganese, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, and copper; and protective phytonutrients.

Sunflower Shoots

A complete protein with all essential amino acids plus vitamins A, D, E and B complex, including folate. High levels of potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Sprouting the seed releases the max nutrition, with least calories.

Cabbage Microgreens

Six times more vitamin C than mature red cabbage, nearly 70 times more vitamin K, and 40 times more vitamin E. plus significant levels of vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene – more than their adult counterparts.

Clean greens with zero pesticides

Powerful Produce

We grow our greens in pure water and give only the vital nutrients they need in the right amounts. Hydroponics uses very little water and has low impact on environmental runoff compared to traditional farming.

Lovely Lettuces

Delicate butter and crunchy romaine lettuce join fresh ruffled greens in our super-fresh salad blends. A popular favorite at the farmers' market.

Healthy Cut Produce

We grow delicious, nutrient-dense greens that have amazing health properties, immunity support, cell repair and cancer prevention to name a few.

Tender Baby Greens

Aromatic arugula, earthy beet tops or zesty citrus sorrel add unexpected flavors to your dishes, and healthy additions to your salad.

Gourmet Blends

We like to mix things up! We combine our colorful lettuce with tender baby mustard greens and Japanese spinach for a hearty and crunchy power salad.

Living Herbs

Staple flavors and exotic varieties like basil, cilantro and chives, keeping fresh longer with living roots still attached. Cut and use just what you need!

In-Season, Year-Round

Who says you need to wait for summer to enjoy fresh and vitamin-packed greens grown nearby? We keep it growing all year round at our indoor farm.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you also grow fish?

No, we don't use Aquaponics, where fish waste helps feeds the plants. We skip the fish in favor of clean mineral nutrients and H2O. 

What do you specialize in?

We grow lettuce, leafy greens and microgreens with huge flavors and a focus on health, grown indoors year-round.

Where can we find you?

Find us at Waukesha Winter Market Saturdays 9-1pm this winter, order online or contact us if you're interested in special events.

What happened to Racine?

Sadly, we rolled up the farm at 2210 Rapids Drive, but you can still get our goods - order online and we'll deliver to your door!

But this looks so... UN-natural?

What IS natural about destroying an entire ecosystem to favor only one type of plant, displacing countless insects and the animals that rely on them for food, polluting our limited clean water sources with chemical runoff, forever depleting our soils for food primarily grown for animal feed, which includes its own laundry list of hazards.

Farming as we know it today is as far from natural as you can get. Organic and no-till methods must be used to save what little soil we have left, but it still won't be enough to feed the population which is growing faster than the good soil and drinkable water are shrinking. We need solutions, and urban hydroponics will be an integral part.

You've heard our story

Now it's your turn. Tell us how you'd like to join the local food movement, and leave a better world behind.

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